Bill Rice Joins AMT
Company News | April 7, 2017

Raleigh, NC. – AMT is pleased to announce that Bill Rice has joined our Raleigh, North Carolina office as State Planning and Environmental Services Lead. He will be responsible for AMT’s Planning and Environmental practice throughout the region.
Rice has approximately 25 years of experience, and has a deep understanding of the policies, procedures, agencies, and local concerns associated with planning in North Carolina. as the result of leading projects in nearly every quarter of the state. Throughout his career, he has instructed other planning and environmental professionals in the National Environmental Policy Act, North Carolina Environmental Policy Act, NCDOT’s Section 404/NEPA 01 Merger Process, and ASTM environmental practices.
He has led and co-led project teams on a diverse array of projects ranging from highly complex NEPA environmental impact statements on the Southeast High Speed Rail, Bonner Bridge Replacement, NC 12 Ocracoke Improvements, and US 64 and Alligator River Bridge Improvements, to SEPA Minimum Criteria Checklists for smaller bridge replacements and roadway widenings throughout central and western North Carolina. Rice holds a master’s degree in geography and environmental science, a bachelor’s degree in geography and urban studies, and is a registered environmental assessor and certified environmental inspector. He can be reached at brice@amtengineering.com.