VDOT Southgate Drive Interchange and Connector
Blacksburg, VA
VDOT Southgate Drive Interchange and Connector, Blacksburg, VA
As part of a much larger-scale project to eliminate the existing signalized at-grade T-intersection at the heaviest used, primary entrance to the Virginia Tech (VT) campus on US 460, AMT provided traffic engineering analysis, studies, and design services to study Route 314 (Southgate Drive) based on projected/planned developments within and outside of the VT Campus for both 2017 and 2037 future traffic conditions.
Traffic engineering services included traffic data collection of peak hour intersection counts and pedestrian and bicycles were also collected during a weekend along the Huckleberry Trail. Due to the anticipated roadway modifications at the entrance to the VT campus, the approved planned development site trips needed to be modified to account for the new travel patterns in and out of the campus.
Traffic modeling of the study area was provided using VISSIM, Synchro/SimTraffic, HCS2010 and Sidra, which resulted in MOE outputs in the form of delays, maximum/95th percentile queues, speed diagrams, levels of service, and v/c ratios. A key concern for VT and VDOT was to ensure that the recommended future mitigation improvements could easily handle sporting event traffic volumes, which could include up to 60,000 vehicle trips attempting to enter and exit the campus simultaneously. For this reason, the analysis and recommended roadway improvements needed to function effectively as reversible lanes when needed.
Traffic engineering design services included signing plans, signal design, lighting design, maintenance of traffic plans, a Transportation Management Plan report, and pavement marking plans.