Pleasant Valley Road
Raleigh, NC
AMT is providing professional services required to produce plans and contract documents for improvements to Pleasant Valley Road from Duraleigh Road to Glenwood Avenue in Raleigh, NC. The purpose of this 0.5 mile project is to widen the roadway to a three-lane section consisting of curb and gutter, sidewalk on both sides, bike lanes, center turn lane, and auxiliary turn lanes, and improve the condition of the pavement by full replacement or pavement patch and overlay as required based on subsurface findings. Other enhancements to this roadway will include capacity improvements where deficiencies are identified and required improvements are approved by the City, access management measures, as well as visually pleasing landscaping. The project includes location surveys, subsurface utility engineering, geotechnical services, roadway design, water resources design (including storm water, erosion control, BMP investigations/design, traffic analyses, traffic management, signing and delineation, signal design, utility design, utility coordination, right of way/easement plats, public involvement, and bidding/contract documentation services.
The project is currently in progress, on time, and on budget. Permit approvals from regulatory agencies will be initiated and coordinated once Right of Way plans are completed. Permits will include Erosion Control (NCDEQ) and Revised Traffic Signal Permits (NCDOT) as well as a 2-Party Encroachment Agreement for the roadway improvements, including widening, curb & gutter, sidewalk, and storm water devices and a Utility Relocation Agreements and Utility Preliminary Engineering Agreement for potential utility relocation along the corridor.