MacArthur Boulevard Bikeway Improvements
Montgomery County, MD
MacArthur Boulevard runs near the Potomac River in Montgomery County, Maryland. As part of a joint venture, AMT designed roadway improvements along with a new trail along 2.6 miles between I-495 and Oberlin Avenue at Glen Echo. We also prepared erosion and sediment control, landscaping, a retaining wall, and maintenance of traffic plans for construction. The project reused and refurbished the Glen Echo Trolley Bridge to take the bikeway over Minnehaha Branch and performed Treesave and forest conservation along with stream restoration.
Because there were load issues with moving materials and equipment on MacArthur Boulevard, which sits on top of the Washington Aqueduct, the project had to take special considerations for the constructability of the proposed improvements by ensuring the project could be built utilizing only small equipment and special reinforced crossings. The project also required archaeological investigations as the bikeway crosses the Clara Barton National Historic Site.