Murdock Street Extension
Chantilly, Virginia
When the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) sought to improve its Area Headquarters facility in Chantilly, AMT was part of the team selected for the Murdock Street extension project.
For our part, we designed the 2,000 foot Murdock Street extension including the water main and gravity sewer extensions, and we coordinated the necessary permitting.
The Chantilly Area Headquarters (AHQ) improvements for VDOT included the development of a 19-acre maintenance facility along with t Murdock Street for extension access. The design for the extension included a 12-inch water main, 8-inch gravity sewer, 2-inch gas, street lighting, sidewalks and storm drainage.
The 12-inch water main design required hydrant flow tests, pressure calculations to the cul-de-sac, fire hydrants and service connections. The 8-inch gravity sewer main design required service laterals to lots along Murdock Street as well as 1,000 feet of new sewer main along a separate alignment to the south, in existing utility easements.
An offsite drainage easement was also required for developing an adequate outlet channel. Property research and coordination of restoration work with property owners were also important aspects of this design.
The plans for the Murdock Street extension were developed in coordination with the Land Development Services section and were coordinated with an adjacent development plan for the CIC Afghan Relief Center and other existing neighbors and property owners. AMT also utilized DPE review services for quality assurance and to gain approvals in less than 6 months. Additional services related to construction included coordination meetings, obtaining public and private utility services for the site, and acquiring easements on adjacent properties. Additional services provided by AMT were related to construction and included permitting, coordination meetings, obtaining public and private utility connections, and easement acquisition. As a design-build project, this project was developed from a raw land site to move-in ready in less than 18 months including all permitting, property acquisition and construction work.