Little Sugar Creek Greenway Extension
Mecklenburg County, NC
AMT is providing CEI services for this federally funded greenway project in Mecklenburg County. The Little Sugar Creek Greenway Extension is from Huntingtontowne Farms to Starclaire Swim Club in South Charlotte. Brenna Stephenson is AMT’s Project Manager and Shane Starnes is the lead inspector. The LSC Greenway began in May 2020 and is approximately 75% complete with the main trail portion on the east side of LSC open to the public. The scope of this greenway project consists of clearing and grading for a greenway trail that will include both asphalt and concrete sections, premanufactured bridges, abutments for the bridge superstructure, swale bridges, storm drainage, sidewalk, curb ramps, guardrail, signing, landscaping, erosion control, seeding and striping. This segment of the Little Sugar Creek Greenway will replace the existing 8-foot-wide trail through Huntingtowne Farms Park with a 12-foot-wide trail. It will also include a new neighborhood access trail through the Starclaire Swim and Tennis Club in the Starmount neighborhood. Special inspections were scheduled through the County for both pedestrian bridges that were erected on piles. The projected final cost for the LSC Greenway is $1,927,080
AMT also has a future project with Mecklenburg County to complete the McAlpine Creek Greenway Project, (EB-5782). McAlpine Creek Greenway is from Providence Road to Sardis Road in Charlotte.
This Little Sugar Creek Greenway segment is part of the Cross Charlotte Trail, which will eventually connect to Cabarrus County to the South Carolina state line as part of a 30+ mile trail. This greenway is also part of the Carolina Thread Trail, a regional network of greenways, trails, and blueways that reaches 15 counties in two states. Mecklenburg County is partnering with the City of Charlotte to complete nine (9) segments at a cost of $92.4 million. The County is responsible for five (5) sections.