Stormwater Engineering Services
Richmond, VA
AMT has provided engineering and related services that include capital improvement project (CIP) planning, stormwater utility program support, water quality retrofits, engineering designs, supplemental surveying, environmental services, hydrology and hydraulic calculations, easement plats, construction stakeout, utility test pits, and community outreach. Task orders have included the following:
Citizen Drainage Complaints: AMT initially assisted the City in addressing 44 citizen drainage concerns that were transferred from DPW to DPU with the stormwater program. At 18 of the sites, AMT worked with the DPU maintenance team to implement repairs or cleaning, which eliminated the problems quickly. For the remaining 26 sites, AMT provided surveying, engineering designs, environmental services, and construction support for most of the projects.
Stormwater Utility Support: AMT participated in staff meetings during stormwater utility implementation and reported on task order progress. We have assisted with communication efforts, including front porch meetings at project sites, neighborhood meetings for larger projects, website updates, stormwater fact sheets, and an article in the City’s newsletter.
Neighborhood Drainage Improvements: For larger project needs, AMT has provided expanded surveying, easement plats and acquisition asstiance, utility mapping, 401/404 permitting, engineering designs, MOT plans, public outreach, bid documents and construction phase services. For the Southside Neighborhood Project, AMT incorporated roadside infiltration trenches and permaeble pavement parking areas as part of a “Green Streets” initiative.
“Green Alley” Initiatives: AMT has completed four (4) green alley retrofit designs that incorporate permeable interlocking concrete pavement (PICP) or Stormcrete precast panels to help reduce runoff and improve water quality while addressing drainage concerns.
Pine Camp Stream Restoration: AMT is currently assisting the City to assess approximately 2,000 LF of degraded stream. The City seeks to utilize Natural Channel Design techniques to restore the stream to a functional, habitable environment that supports natural ecology and the surrounding community. Tree health surveys are also being coordinated with the City Parks Department.