On-Call Drainage Improvements
Prince George's County, MD
AMT completed over 30 tasks regarding study, assessment, preliminary and final designs of various projects relating to storm drainage improvement design, Water Quality improvement LID BMP’s and stormwater management facilities retrofits. Project services included planning and design of livable communities; design of residential storm drain improvement projects; wetland assessments, H&H analysis; watershed floodplain studies and modeling; development of tree conservation plans and public outreach and meetings. Representative task assignments have included Municipal LID Water Quality Improvement Projects, Storm Drainage Improvements and Low Impact Development projects:
Municipal LID – Livable Communities Initiative: AMT designed 3 LID Rain Garden facilities in three separate municipalities as part of the Livable Communities Initiative (LCI). The LID sites were located in commercial and industrial zoned areas that had large impervious areas contributing runoff to each of the rain gardens. A total of 2.02 acres of previously untreated contributing impervious areas are now being treated by the facilities. All of the facilities have interpretive signs installed that explain the function and purpose of the Rain Gardens. (Smart Growth Project Award Winner)
Green Street Project – Livable Communities Initiative: Knollbrook Drive & Talbert Lane: The Green Street project goals were to improve the water quality in the tributary and ultimately the Anacostia River. The project employs landscaping and LID practices to clean, filter and improve the stormwater runoff. The bioretention facility was designed to ensure a proper overflow path and provided an under- drain system that ties into the existing storm drain. For bay-scaping, AMT used native plant material to promote diversity, water conservation, wildlife habitat and Integrated BMPs. Bioswales were placed at the bottom were designed for the filter swale practice. Under-drain pipes were designed to drain the stone at the bottom of the bioretention section.
LID Demonstration Project Kenilworth Avenue @ I-495: AMT provided planning, design, contract documents, and permitting services to create a gateway beautification project. The purpose of the project was to improve water quality by retrofitting the highway median and interchanges, and to demonstrate how LID techniques can control stormwater pollutants generated by highway traffic. These projects fit perfectly with the new Green Highway Initiative implemented by the EPA and the U.S. DOT and was funded by an EPA grant. These LID practices included filter swales, bioretention facilities, and native and adaptive plant species. LID facilities were located where they could provide optimum benefit to existing water quality.
SLIGO Creek Watershed Water Quality Demonstration Project: An MDE grant funded project along Chillum Manor Road to demonstrate and improve water quality for downstream Sligo Creek. Approved and permitted design for a bioretention with landscape planting; a rain garden facility and two street planter boxes.