AMT Wins 1st Place WVDOH Engineering Excellence Award for Van Voorhis Road Monongalia County Project
Company News | March 1, 2024

(March 2024) AMT is honored to receive the West Virginia Department of Transportation (WVDOT) Division of Highways (DOH) Engineering Excellence Award (EEA) for Van Voorhis Road in Morgantown, Monongalia County in the Small Roadway Category. The firm is honored to receive this project recognition from WVDOH for our engineering service and stewardship. Congratulations to Wes Hevener, Dave Burris, Bart Schumacher, Caleb Glaser, Ethan Airhart, Corey Birkel, Greg Fox, Kyle Rankin, Zach Mellot, John Farrell, and the entire AMT Team on this industry award win.
Van Voorhis Road Preliminary Investigation and Engineering Study – Monongalia County, WV Project
AMT prepared Roadway & Bridge Design, Environmental Studies, and Traffic Analysis as part of the Van Voorhis Road improvements from WV 705 to Bakers Ridge Road. Based upon the Design Study, preparation of construction documents for Section 1 from WV 705 to West Run Road were prepared to include the widening of the approach to WV 705 for additional capacity, alignment improvement, auxiliary turn lanes, new sidewalk, paved shoulders, narrow lane widening, bridge replacement, traffic signal installation and modification, drainage improvement, and stormwater management best practices. As part of the Traffic Study, AMT evaluated numerous roundabouts and innovative alternatives for the intersection with WV 705. A key component of this project was pedestrian accommodation with plans including new sidewalks, refuge islands, and pedestrian signals. Additionally, AMT prepared the Categorical Exclusion (CE) document as part of the NEPA process. For the environmental component, exhibits were prepared, and the AMT Team led a virtual presentation as part of the public involvement process.