Mike Wiercinski and Murphy Tuomey quoted in Zweig Letter articles
Company News | July 18, 2014

AMT president Mike Wiercinski and principal Murphy Tuomey were quoted in the Zweig Letter, a publication devoted to leadership in the engineering, architecture and construction industries.
In its May 19 issue, an article titled “The formula to survive hard times” quoted Wiercinski as saying “We understood the recessionary environment, but did not get into a slow-down operation mode. We worked more efficiently than ever and continued a strong business development program.”
The article continued, “We treat each client as if they are the only client, and we treat our employees the way we want to be treated…Our employees are stakeholders in the success of their projects and our culture of enabling our employees helps us to weather the good times and bad.”
Tuomey was quoted in a July 21 article titled “Keep branch managers in the know.” The article talks about helping leadership in satellite offices to work within corporate frameworks and summarizes her thoughts.
“Tuomey offers insight into how they make it happen:
- Have a clear chain of command within the firm that all branch managers are aware right from the start.
- Reinforce this chain of command through regular contact and oversight of the work in that office.
- Ask branch managers to report directly to a principal.
- Hire people for their skill sets and expertise, and trust that expertise in discussing ideas and procedures within each branch office.
- Keep open doors and open minds when discussing ideas with branch managers.
“We’ve managed to circumvent any problem behaviors through effective communication of roles and expectations, reinforcement of those roles through regular contact, and open discussion where employees can come away feeling that they’ve been heard.”
Zweig Letter subscribers may access the full article here: https://www.zweigwhite.com/trends/thezweigletter/?page=home.php