ICC Water/Sewer Relocations Contracts A&B
Statewide, MD
AMT’s services under these contracts included the designing water and sanitary sewer relocations, traffic control design and management, subsurface utility designation, surveying, stormwater and sediment control permitting assistance, and on-call construction support.
The state-of-the-art Intercounty Connector (ICC) links interstates 270 and 370 with interstate 95 and The 20-mile tollway is being built by the Maryland State Highway Administration and is estimated to cost slightly more than $1.5 billion. Contracts A and B include five interchanges and 14.2 miles of highway.
AMT’s services under these contracts included designing water and sanitary sewer relocations, traffic control design and management, subsurface utility designation, surveying, storm water and sediment control permitting assistance, and on-call construction support.
We designed more than 17,000 feet of water main and sanitary sewers at 24 locations. Nine segments, totaling 5,000 feet involved water transmission mains varying in size from 16” to 42” and the design included special restraints for combination vertical and horizontal bends, corrosion protection, sequencing and phasing, and construction protection plans. New construction in these areas included special steel casing pipe for extra protection. But first, we located existing utilities through record review and test holes.
In a design-build contract, the contractor’s and owner’s schedules must be met. AMT successfully designed, permitted and gained utility owners’ approval on the water and sewer construction contracts in a six-month time frame without delaying the contractor’s construction schedule or conflicting with other elements of the highway design. The project required special design considerations in wetland areas to avoid any construction disturbance outside of a very limited project area.