MDOT SHA On-Call Manual and Machine Traffic Counts
Statewide, MD
MDOT SHA On-Call Manual and Machine Traffic Counts, Statewide, MD
AMT is providing on-call traffic data collection and traffic engineering services to SHA since 2001. AMT has completed over 12,000 machine counts and 5,000 intersection counts statewide. Specific tasks have included the collection and processing of classification, volume, and speed counts, collecting pictures and GPS data, manual and video turning movement counts, mid-block pedestrian surveys, bicycle and pedestrian counts at intersections, amongst many other types of data collection.
Data collection has occurred on all roadway types, including freeways, major arterials, minor streets and highly congested urban intersections. AMT’s quality of work for data collection tasks have led to many assigned tasks to AMT for design or planning projects with MDSHA.