Route 7 Traffic Flow Improvements
Loudoun County, VA
Loudoun County improved traffic flow on Route 7 in the easternmost area of the county to relieve congestion and improve safety. AMT served as the design engineer on the project, performing studies, making recommendations, and developing construction documents on the project.
AMT performed the initial traffic engineering studies and implemented recommended improvements modifications at six intersections. We then incorporated the accepted recommendations into construction documents which included roadway widening, intersection geometry improvements, and signal modification. AMT surveyed the project and performed subsurface utility designation using VDOT standards.
Given the right of way restrictions of this urban corridor, all of the improvements had to be contained within the median area. Added right turn lanes required traffic to shift into the median to maintain the outermost edge of pavement. In addition, all stormwater management and drainage improvements to support the necessary widening also needed to be contained in the median. The resulting design called for a complex series of bioretention filters within a very limited area.