Skipper Bowles Drive Reconstruction
Chapel Hill, NC
Skipper Bowles Drive Reconstruction, Chapel Hill, NC
The University contracted with AMT to complete construction documents for a Complete Streets renovation of the 2,400-foot roadway, which included considerations for bicycle and pedestrian traffic such as sharrows and painted crosswalks.
The design dictated the use of full depth reclamation pavement recycling which mills and reuses the deteriorated pavement to make it stronger and reduces the amount of new material needed, thus reducing off-site waste. The design team created a strong traffic control plan that allowed the road to stay open at all times during construction. Skipper Bowles Drive now serves as a major connector through South Campus for students, personal vehicles, Chapel Hill Transit buses, along with special event usage at both the Smith Center and Kenan Stadium.
Skipper Bowles Drive now serves as a major connector through South Campus for students, personal vehicles, Chapel Hill Transit buses, along with special event usage at both the Smith Center and Kenan Stadium.