Three Notch Trail
St. Mary's County, MD
The Three Notch Trail is a multipurpose pedestrian and bicycle trail located on the historic Point Lookout Railroad right-of-way in Saint Mary’s County. The overall trail is planned in 9 phases that cover 25 miles. Phases I, II, III, and V have already been constructed and total approximately 12 miles of completed trail.
AMT provided design, landscape architecture and engineering services for Phase VII of the Three Notch Trail. The 5-mile segment of 10-foot wide asphalt multi-use trail connects phases III and V. This section of the trail extends through one of the most complex portions of the alignment and required design alternatives through Mechanicsville, numerous residences, and along existing roads.
AMT’s services included surveying, geotechnical investigations, vertical and horizontal trail alignment per AASHTO and SHA’s Bicycle Policy, transportation engineering, structural engineering, landscape architecture, environmental services, stormwater management, public outreach, specifications, cost estimates, and permitting.
The ADA-accessible asphalt-paved trail includes 2-foot grass shoulders, grading, ESD stormwater management, storm drainage, forest protection, and erosion and sediment control plans, signage, pavement markings, flashing beacons road crossing designs are per MUTCD and County requirements.
AMT coordinated with Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) as part of using funds for the Transportation Alternatives Program Funding from Federal Highways. This included designing the project to SHA guidelines with extensive NEPA and technical review of the design and the plans.