Alternative Project Delivery

AMT partners with contractors using integrated project delivery methods. Our design-build approach incorporates the key elements of collaboration, integrated service, communication, creativity, and responsiveness. In addition to serving as the lead designer for significant highway and interchange design-build projects, AMT has worked on some of the most prominent P3 partnerships in the region. The Southwest Waterfront development in DC and the I-495 HOT Lanes project are two notable examples.
Our design-build approach incorporates the key elements of collaboration, integrated service, communication, creativity, and responsiveness.
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Design-build project delivery is a project delivery method bin which one firm takes responsibility for both the design and construction of the...
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Public-Private Partnerships
AMT is uniquely qualified to lead and support P3 contracts. AMT has provided a wide variety of services to P3 contracts, acting...
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AMT has 65 years of experience providing multidisciplinary engineering and construction management/inspection services. With 20 Mid-Atlantic region offices, AMT offers relevant expertise...
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