Environmental & Water Resources

AMT provides innovative, high performing and environmentally sensitive stormwater and water quality solutions to our clients. From traditional drainage improvement plans to newer emerging technologies involving green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) and resiliency, we understand the importance of maximizing water quality benefits for the least cost. Our environmental leadership keeps up to date with the latest federal, state and local requirements, and our team of professional engineers, designers, floodplain managers, stream specialists, environmental planners, and arborists work collaboratively using the latest technologies to develop comprehensive solutions.
Our team of environmental professionals work together using the latest approaches to develop comprehensive solutions.
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Watershed Management Plans
The goal of watershed management planning is to improve our waterways by incorporating global strategies for improving water quality. These watershed improvements...
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Drainage Improvement Plans
All land disturbing activities are required to provide measures for erosion and sediment control, and many also require stormwater management plans to...
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Stormwater Management/BMP’s
AMT provides stormwater management planning and design services to our clients. Stormwater planning begins with GIS mapping to help determine treatment options...
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Stream Restoration & Ecosystems
AMT offers a stream design team that can provide stream assessments, restoration, and stabilization plans, as well as monitoring and the evaluation...
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Dams & Floodplains
Led by experienced hydraulic engineers and certified floodplain managers (CFM’s) the AMT water resources team provides a wide range of services related...
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Environmental Services
AMT’s team of environmental planners, scientists, biologists, and ecologists offer our clients proven, solid experience in providing an array of services including...
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